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What do you do?
We specialize in all the processes involved with the Disability Tax Credit (DTC) applications...
How do I get the money? How does it come to me?
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) will generally deposit the funds directly into your bank account...
Are there any restrictions on how the money can be spent?
No. The government wants Canadians living with disabilities to enjoy a similar lifestyle to those...
I don’t earn any income, do I qualify?
Of course. Our Benefit Specialists can obtain large...
1701 Avenue Road, suite # 200
Toronto, Ontario M5M 3Y3
Phone: 1-888-389-0080 or 416-789-0080
Fax: 416-782-0070
Monday - Thursday: 9:00AM - 7:00PM EST
Friday: 9:00AM - 5:15PM EST
Saturday & Sunday: Closed
Long-term Caregiver Denied Disability Tax Credit Benefits
Edith Ryan cannot reap the benefits of the Disability Tax Credit on her own. Even if her legal blindness and immobility did not prohibit her from independently filing an application, she does not work. And nobody expects her to; Edith
Claim Disability Tax Credit Benefits for a Family Member
Many Canadians with disabilities are unable to work because of their severe and prolonged impairments. Some receive daily financial support from family members. With a community of support, any person with disability can survive and thrive despite his or her
Why Reach Out To The National Benefit Authority?
The National Benefit Authority (NBA) is the most trusted name in disability support throughout Canada. With their assistance, thousands of people with disabilities have been rightfully awarded Disability Tax Credits. Being granted the Disability Tax Credit makes it possible for
2 Reasons To Apply For The Disability Tax Credit Today
Applying for the Disability Tax Credit is a complex, drawn out process. Assuming an application is successful upon first submission, 120 days can go by before a successful candidate receives his or her first financial installment from government. Should an
If You Are Denied The Disability Tax Credit…
Have you been denied the Disability Tax Credit in the past? How did you handle this news – did you file an appeal, reapply, or accept the decision? If your application was denied, it is possible the Canada Revenue Agency
How To Fill Out The T2201 Form, Medical Portion
One mistake on the Disability Tax Credit application can result in being denied government benefits. Unfortunately, such an error may not be the applicant’s fault. The application, officially known as the T2201 Form, must be completed by a medical professional, either a
The National Benefit Authority Files Life-sustaining Therapy Claims
The National Benefit Authority is the most trusted name in disability support throughout Canada. They effectively file claims for people with disabilities who are entitled to money from government. Not long ago, the government of Canada made the Disability Tax Credit
Who Can Help You Qualify For The Disability Tax Credit?
One of the biggest problems with the Disability Tax Credit is not enough people know about it. Many people looking for disability support wonder why they are just hearing about the Disability Tax Credit now, after struggling financially for years.
Common Questions About the Disability Tax Credit
The Disability Tax Credit opens doors for annual tax breaks, retroactive payments and other opportunities. Qualifying for the Disability Tax Credit means the Canada Revenue Agency recognizes your mental or physical challenge as a severe, prolonged disability. As a result,