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What do you do?
We specialize in all the processes involved with the Disability Tax Credit (DTC) applications...
How do I get the money? How does it come to me?
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) will generally deposit the funds directly into your bank account...
Are there any restrictions on how the money can be spent?
No. The government wants Canadians living with disabilities to enjoy a similar lifestyle to those...
I don’t earn any income, do I qualify?
Of course. Our Benefit Specialists can obtain large...
1701 Avenue Road, suite # 200
Toronto, Ontario M5M 3Y3
Phone: 1-888-389-0080 or 416-789-0080
Fax: 416-782-0070
Monday - Thursday: 9:00AM - 7:00PM EST
Friday: 9:00AM - 5:15PM EST
Saturday & Sunday: Closed
Increase Your Self-Esteem in 2015
Some people think that self-esteem happens by chance, meaning someone is born with a naturally high or low self-esteem. While this may be true in part, self-esteem can be changed for the better. In fact, you can resolve this year
The High Cost of Raising Children with Disabilities
There is an inarguable financial burden on Canadian parents with a child who has disability. The cost of obtaining proper care and treatment for a child with disabilities stretches many families beyond their means, especially when they are receiving little
Parents Speak Out About Raising Children with Disabilities
As parents of children with disabilities, do you ever feel like you are continually fighting an uphill battle of unique challenges to face and barriers to overcome? You’re not alone. The 2006 Participation and Activity Limitation Survey (PALS) takes a
Does Seasonal Affective Disorder Affect You?
Invisible disabilities are becoming a hot topic, and rightly so. In 2003 it was estimated that around 5 percent of Canadians were affected by at least 1 of a group of 3 invisible disabilities. While more research is needed, invisible
Resources for Exercising with Disability
Wanting to exercise is a worthy goal but often seems unattainable. For an individual with a disability, attempting an exercise routine can be even more intimidating. But this does not mean it is impossible. Below are some quick tips that
Four Influential People with Disabilities
How do you perceive individuals with disabilities? This is an important question. Do you see people with disabilities as being capable individuals who are able to make positive contributions to society? Unfortunately, many people do not necessarily believe this about
International Day of Persons with Disabilities
Did you know that a significant portion of the world’s population has disabilities? “Over one billion people, or approximately 15 percent of the world’s population, live with some form of disability.” It is vital that individuals with and without disabilities
Staying Positive Despite Disability
Disability is never something someone plans for — especially sudden disability. You might have been in an accident and are now suddenly disabled. Or perhaps your disability developed more slowly, over a period of time. In any case, your life
Financial Help, Resources For Canadians With Disabilities
Have you recently developed a disability, either suddenly (from an accident, etc.), or gradually (slowly developed a disability)? If so, you probably realize that your new disability may cause financial changes in your life. We know these financial changes are