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What do you do?
We specialize in all the processes involved with the Disability Tax Credit (DTC) applications...
How do I get the money? How does it come to me?
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) will generally deposit the funds directly into your bank account...
Are there any restrictions on how the money can be spent?
No. The government wants Canadians living with disabilities to enjoy a similar lifestyle to those...
I don’t earn any income, do I qualify?
Of course. Our Benefit Specialists can obtain large...
1701 Avenue Road, suite # 200
Toronto, Ontario M5M 3Y3
Phone: 1-888-389-0080 or 416-789-0080
Fax: 416-782-0070
Monday - Thursday: 9:00AM - 7:00PM EST
Friday: 9:00AM - 5:15PM EST
Saturday & Sunday: Closed
Abused Children are Helped by Animal-Assisted Therapy
Can children who have been abused really be helped by Animal-Assisted Therapy? Case studies have proven that they can. In what specific ways has Animal-Assisted Therapy fostered healing in abused children? Animal-assisted therapy helped an 8 year old girl named
Preventing Abuse in Canada’s Disability Community
For some time, abuse has plagued Canada’s disability community. It doesn’t need to be this way in the future. If Canadians of all ability levels ban together to prevent mistreatment of people with disabilities, Canada will become a safer place.
Causes of Abuse, Why it goes Unreported
Of the many questions that arise around the subject of abuse, perhaps the most common is this: Why? Why does abuse occur? We are beginning to understand that abuse occurs in the disability community more than other communities. Even though
Why are People with Disabilities the Target of Abuse?
Many forms of abuse affect people throughout Canada. Forms of abuse that plague the disability community include (but are not limited to) physical, sexual, emotional and financial abuse, as well as neglect. Why are people with disabilities targets for abuse?
Abuse in Canada’s Disability Community
It can seem distasteful to discuss abuse and neglect in Canada’s disability community. Regardless of the discomfort people feel when addressing such an issue, it is necessary we bring up the painful topic. Statistically speaking, many Canadians with disabilities face
Taking a Stand for People with Disabilities
Statistically speaking, it is likely that you have a disability or know someone who does. While you are probably aware of the daily challenges people with disabilities face, you might be less understanding of the abuse and mistreatment that plagues