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What do you do?
We specialize in all the processes involved with the Disability Tax Credit (DTC) applications...
How do I get the money? How does it come to me?
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) will generally deposit the funds directly into your bank account...
Are there any restrictions on how the money can be spent?
No. The government wants Canadians living with disabilities to enjoy a similar lifestyle to those...
I don’t earn any income, do I qualify?
Of course. Our Benefit Specialists can obtain large...
1701 Avenue Road, suite # 200
Toronto, Ontario M5M 3Y3
Phone: 1-888-389-0080 or 416-789-0080
Fax: 416-782-0070
Monday - Thursday: 9:00AM - 7:00PM EST
Friday: 9:00AM - 5:15PM EST
Saturday & Sunday: Closed
The Truth About Alzheimer’s
Alzheimer’s symptoms become more significant as time goes on. In early stages it can be mistaken for common forgetfulness. As time goes on, however, it becomes clear that the changes in mental function go beyond loss of short-term memories. When a person’s
Dementia is Not a Death Sentence
By year 2031, nearly 1.4 million Canadians will be living with cognitive diseases like Alzheimer’s dementia. At this rate, by year 2040 dementia will cost the Canadian economy 293 billion dollars. These facts are sobering but when wrapped in the