Where Do You Go For Help? — The Disability Tax Credit
People with disabilities are strong, independent, and brave. They do not let significant restrictions get in the way of daily life. These individuals get creative when faced with inconveniences and reach out to others when problems require helping hands.
This is true in the sense of day-to-day tasks and activities – but what about financial support? Living with a disability is expensive! All too often, people with disabilities have trouble making ends meet because there is nowhere to turn for financial support.
The National Benefit Authority (www.thenba.ca) exists to help people with disabilities get the money they are entitled to from government. If you struggle with a severe, prolonged mental or physical impairment the government of Canada owes you a substantial amount of money (up to $40,000!). Join the NBA’s Disability Living blog (http://www.thenba.ca/disability-blog/) this week and begin to understand the best disability support program in Canada.
This Week on Disability Living: Government Owes You Money
A COMMON TAX FILING MISTAKE is made when a person does not know what benefit programs are available. Seeking to understand support programs can help low income earners eliminate annual taxes and result in up to $40,000 of returns. The most lucrative tax benefit available to people with disabilities is the Disability Tax Credit. (http://www.thenba.ca/disability-blog/a-common-tax-filing-mistake/)
A DISABILITY TAX CREDIT BENEFICIARY WHO OWES MONEY TO THE CRA may worry about applying for government assistance. Thankfully, the Disability Tax Credit is a completely different type of support. The CRA has funds reserved for people with disabilities. Having an eligible mental or physical impairment means the CRA owes you money. (http://www.thenba.ca/disability-blog/)
5 IMPORTANT STATISTICS ABOUT THE DISABILITY TAX CREDIT offers an overview of what the Disability Tax Credit is and how it benefits Canadians. There is a lot to learn about this disability support program. This is why professional Benefit Specialists are available to help clarify your unique claim. (http://www.thenba.ca/disability-blog/5-important-statistics-about-the-disability-tax-credit/)
Get the help you need today by applying for the Disability Tax Credit. Get started right away and receive the full benefits you deserve. Benefit Specialists at the National Benefit Authority (http://www.thenba.ca) make it possible to claim money that the Canada Revenue Agency has reserved for you. They are equipped with knowledge of the Disability Tax Credit and are happy to offer you a helping hand.
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