Do Arthritis Sufferers Qualify for the Disability Tax Credit?
What does arthritis have to do with disability? It is uncommon to think of this ailment as disabling; yet anyone with severe arthritis, like rheumatoid arthritis, knows joint inflammation can cause debilitating symptoms.
There are over 100 forms of arthritis. Some are more painful than others. However, many of the severe cases can make it impossible to accomplish daily tasks. When a person struggles with day-to-day functions, he or she may be considered significantly restricted. Having two significant restrictions can make an individual eligible for the Disability Tax Credit.
The Disability Tax Credit (DTC) is a disability support program available through the Canadian government. Money is reserved for people with disabilities. It can be accessed through tax credits that are processed by the Canada Revenue Agency. The Disability Tax Credit is available to people who are markedly restricted by a severe and prolonged disability. Claiming the Disability Tax Credit on income tax forms results in annual savings. Also, it is possible to receive retroactive payments that can amount up to $40,000.
Many people with arthritis qualify for the Disability Tax Credit because it is an irreversible diagnosis that worsens with time. It can restrict an individual’s ability to perform certain tasks.
Facts about Arthritis
Not only is arthritis painful on the joints, it can result in stiffness, inability to sleep, difficulty eating, and hypersensitivity. More so, climate conditions provoke painful inflammation. And in some cases, arthritis can actually affect internal organs.
Arthritis and the Disability Tax Credit
To be eligible for the Disability Tax Credit, a person has to be markedly restricted in one daily living task or significantly restricted in two. Arthritis often causes a person to be significantly restricted in two or more activities. For instance, a person might have mobility issues and also have difficulty dressing or eating.
While many people don’t feel the effects of arthritis all the time, when flare ups occur they are painful, profound, and distracting. Considering weather provokes inflammation, it is beyond an individual to control when symptoms arise.
Many arthritis diagnoses do not restrict a person all day every day, but some, like rheumatoid arthritis, can cause immobility and markedly restrict a person. Experiencing these debilitating arthritis symptoms can qualify a person for the Disability Tax Credit.
Unfortunately, a number of people suffering from arthritis are denied the Disability Tax Credit. This is because arthritis comes in all shapes and sizes. While some people are significantly restricted, others are able to function at high capacities. Therefore, it is necessary to work with Benefit Specialists who guide the application process. They can ensure the doctor filling out the T2201 form knows how to supply information about daily troubles. This is paramount to qualifying for annual tax breaks and substantial payments.
The National Benefit Authority has the most trusted Benefit Specialists in Canada. Free consultations are available. Call this number: 1888-389-0080. Or fill out this form:
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