Vaccinations that Benefit Seniors
Did you know that some vaccinations are especially beneficial for seniors? Seniors have health needs that other age groups do not have, and therefore require specific vaccines. Vaccines can help seniors avoid infectious diseases and illnesses. Vaccinations are excellent tools that can help keep seniors healthy well into their older years.
Why are vaccines valuable?
Vaccinations are valuable for many reasons. First, they have literally saved hundreds of thousands of lives. Vaccines are amazing medical advancements that have contributed greatly to society in general. Vaccinations boost individuals’ immune systems, making it possible for the body to fight off certain diseases. Some of these diseases can even be fatal to the un-immunized.
Why should those over 65 be vaccinated?
There are several reasons why those over age 65 should be vaccinated. Did you know that just like infants, seniors tend to have fragile immune systems? For that reason, certain vaccines are often recommended by doctors. Seniors should care for their immune systems by getting the vaccinations their doctors recommend. Also, if an older adult gets a disease, it can be much harder on that individual’s body than it would be on a younger person’s body. In fact, death can sometimes result from older individuals getting diseases. Some of these infectious diseases can be avoided by simply getting proper vaccinations.
What vaccines do people who are over 65 need?
Are you over 65? If so, there are certain vaccines that may be beneficial to you. Here are a few vaccinations you should discuss with your health care provider:
– Flu vaccine
– Shingles vaccine
– Diptheria/tetanus vaccine
– Whooping cough vaccine
– Pneumonia vaccine
The above vaccines are just suggestions for those who are around 65 or older. Be sure to talk to your doctor about what vaccines would be most beneficial to you. Please consider speaking to your health care professional even if you think you are caught up on vaccines. There is a chance that some of your previous vaccinations may have worn off. Also, there may be new vaccines that would benefit you by protecting your health. You physician can tell you more about these vaccines.
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