Too Much Paperwork
Disability assistance is available but securing it costs time and money. In some circumstances, investments of time outweigh modest financial gains. A lot of this labor goes into locating and filling out confusing paperwork. Furthermore, after sending in paperwork to government units, follow up is required. And, needless to say, it is common for these documents to get lost in the system. This is true for many people with disabilities as well as veterans.
The National Benefit Authority understands the hoops people go through to get a little financial relief. The government of Canada has money set aside for people with disabilities. To access these funds, one must qualify for the disability tax credit. This tax credit opens doors to savings, retroactive payments, and other benefits programs. Qualifying for the tax credit sounds easy, but there is one contingency: paperwork is required.
Advice on How to Process and Organize Paperwork
Government isn’t always reliable or timely when it comes to organizing paperwork.
Do you know the saying, “when in doubt- throw it out?” For Canadian veterans and people with disabilities, this saying is null and void. In fact, do the opposite. It is best to make copies of all paperwork and have a separate filing system to keep all duplicate documents.
What Papers to Keep
– ALL medical records- This includes doctor notes, pharmacy orders, hospital bills, and more.
– Income and tax statements– Pay stubs, government check receipts, and charitable donations.
– Deployment orders– For all veterans, it is important to keep all paperwork sent from the government.
Why Keep these Documents
– Many vets have run into problems getting proper health insurance without them. Also, people with disabilities who have trouble verifying their claims may find that having backup forms expedites the process.
– You may be denied benefits or compensations if you have no way to prove how you were injured.
– Spouses and family members need this information to act on your behalf or for themselves.
If you have lost important papers, Veterans Affairs might be able to help you locate what you need. Here is a link to their website:
When it comes to dealing with government tax benefits and veteran claims, it is a good idea to remain organized. Do not expect government to be organized for you. This is unrealistic. Have your own system helps to protect you and can expedite the process of getting money you deserve.
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