Summer Activities for Kids with Disabilities
Summer is upon us, and with summer comes swimming, grilling out, and spending time with family and friends. Children with disabilities have just as much need as anybody to make summer memories. However, certain disabilities can sometimes cause a child to feel excluded from summer fun. As a parent, you can help your child have a summer to remember.
How can parents help a child with disabilities enjoy his or her summer?
Most children with disabilities encounter a fair amount of social interaction/fun during the school year. However, once school is out there is the need to make sure a child is “plugged in” to other social outlets. It may be best for a parent to plan special activities that are suitable for their child with a handicap or disability.
Here are a few activities that can be enjoyed by kids with disabilities and their friends:
Lemonade stand – Setting up a lemonade stand will help your child learn motor skills, communication skills, social skills, and will even be a great lesson in money management.
Plant a garden – Many therapists suggest activities that exert the joints. Yard work can help to increase a child’s attention, tone muscles, decrease sensory defensiveness, and increase body awareness.
Go to the beach – Did you know that a trip to the beach can teach your child self-care skills? Beach-related activities such as changing clothes, putting on sunscreen, and regulating time spent in the sun can help develop a child’s ability to care for his or herself. The beach is also the perfect place to encounter new things and make great summer memories.
Create a sensory feast – Does your child have sensory problems? If so, create a sensory feast for him or her by setting up a table outside, then spreading it with shaving cream. Another idea is to fill a bucket with rice for your child to play in. You could even go so far as to create a small mud pit!
How does your family celebrate summer?
What is your child’s favorite accessible summertime activity? We would love to hear from you — leave a comment on this Disability Living blog post to share with us today.
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