People with Disabilities are Ready to Work
For example, in Saskatchewan, this assistance is available through Partners in Employment, which offers free employment services for people with disabilities, as well as a range of professional employment services for employers.
For employers, Partners in Employment collaborates to match qualified candidates with job vacancies. Services include providing pre-screened candidates as well as on-site training support and ongoing follow-up.
For those seeking employment, Partners in Employment services include:
–employment preparation
–job placement
–job maintenance
–supported employment
–work experience
People with disabilities may find the workplace particularly challenging. A recent report by Cameron Crawford of the Institute for Research on Inclusion and Society provides a demographic snapshot of the employment situation for people with intellectual disabilities. The report draws from the 2006 Participation and Activity Limitation Survey, which was Statistics Canada’s flagship survey on disability.
The report outlines how the education level of people with intellectual disabilities is much lower than people with physical disabilities and people without disabilities. About two-thirds of people with intellectual disabilities have no formal educational, accreditation, or even high school graduation. In fact, close to one in eight, or 12.7 percent of people with intellectual disabilities, who were active in the labor force before PALS was conducted, had taken work-related training.
The full report draws attention to some employment barriers people with intellectual disabilities face. More than three-quarters have faced at least one barrier, such as discrimination, inadequate training, and concerns about losing disability income or other benefits.
Some Canadians with disabilities find Training Centres useful. Train Centres provide valuable work experience and specific skills training for individuals with disabilities. These are functioning businesses that manufacture products and provide commercial services to businesses around the province, across Canada and into the United States.
Clients gain proficiencies in an area that suits their abilities and interests, with work experience available in assembly, bulk mailing preparation, commercial sewing, metalwork, recycling, wood products and maintenance. Participants acquire a range of professional skill sets that continue to prepare them for competitive employment.
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