Help Your Child with Disabilities Transition from School to Summer Vacation
In just a few weeks, school will be out for the summer, and children all over North America will have to transition into summer vacation. Most children are thrilled at this news, but for others this transition may not be so easy. Children with disabilities sometimes have a hard time with change and transition, and going from the school year to summer vacation is a major change. You as a parent can help prepare your child for the coming transition.
You can help your child transition from the school year into summer vacation.
Do you want to make the transition from school to summer vacation easy for your child with disabilities? Here are a few ways you can do just that:
– Will your child be moving to another classroom or switching schools this fall? Consider taking your child to visit that location before summer break begins. Explain to your child the coming transition and ask if he or she has any questions for you.
– Use a countdown calendar to give your child an idea of when the changes will occur (when summer break will begin, when the new school year will begin, etc.). This is the perfect way for your child to have a visual reminder of upcoming transitions and feel more comfortable with them.
– Make a summer schedule and display it in your child’s room. This will reassure him or her that a routine is still set in place, and may help with feelings of security. Schedule trips, special activities, and play dates, and record them on the schedule. Discuss them in advance with your son or daughter.
Does your child have a hard time with transitions?
Does your special needs child have a tough time dealing with transition? We’d like to hear about it. Comment on this post and let us know how you make transition easier for your child. Your comment might make a big difference in the life of an individual with a disability. We appreciate your feedback.
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