Healthy Eating Tips for Women Over Age 50
This week Disability Living is blogging about the importance of healthy eating for older adults. Healthy eating for people over age 50 is important because as we age, our risk for developing illnesses and diseases often increases. Individuals can lessen their chances of getting sick later in life simply by eating a nutritious diet. What can women who are over the age of 50 eat that will maximize their health?
Women can avoid disease as they age by eating healthy.
Did you know that women can help themselves avoid disease as they age? It’s true, and they can do this by eating a nutritious diet. Some health conditions that women should intentionally eat to avoid include heart disease, osteoporosis and iron toxicity. Here are a few tips to help women over age 50 eat foods that will help them avoid disease:
– Heart disease — Women can help themselves prevent heart disease by eating vegetables, fruits, seafood, beans, whole grains, and olive oil. Make every effort to include these foods in your diet.
– Osteoporosis — Osteoporosis is a major health concern for aging women. Women can guard against osteoporosis by drinking juice and eating cereal, beans, oatmeal, sardines, salmon, leafy greens, and almonds. These foods are delicious and can easily be included in a meal plan.
– Iron toxicity — Most people know that iron is good for them. But did you know that you can get too much dietary iron? It’s true. In fact, as women age and go through menopause, their bodies need less iron. You may want to avoid taking any vitamin supplements that include iron, as too much iron can do damage to your heart and liver. Check with your doctor to learn how much iron is right for you.
Women, care for your bodies.
Some women put others’ needs before their own. This is not always a good idea, especially when meeting other people’s needs comes at the expense of neglecting your own. Make healthy eating, rest, and exercise a priority. If you do, your body will reward you by staying healthy as you age.
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