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Emotions Anonymous – Helping Individuals Achieve Emotional Health

July 17, 2013

All people have emotions. Some individuals experience a heightened sensitivity to feelings though. Living with the burden of persistent emotional pain is difficult. This can result in depression, anger, relational challenges, grief, anxiety, self-esteem issues, and loneliness – just to name a few.


Those who experience these emotional pains on a daily basis may need assistance to overcome such pressure. Often times, individuals in these types of positions turn to psychotherapy, talk therapy, and medications for relief. An inexpensive alternative with similar effects are 12 step groups.

There are two types of 12 step programs that bring together communities of individuals with emotional challenges.

EA – Emotions Anonymous

The sole focus of EA is helping individuals achieve optimum emotional health. Weekly meetings are comprised of people from various walks of life, who have different emotional struggles. The point of these gatherings is to provide a place where people can be honest about their emotions without feeling judged or criticized.

Some may find these meetings place greater emphasis on religion and a higher power than other 12 step programs. Nevertheless, people of all faiths feel comfortable in attending. Part of the recovery process is understanding the role divine strength plays in bringing about genuine happiness, accepting things that are out of control, and working towards emotional peace and stability.

For many people, it may be easier to attend regular meetings than to seek individual, psychological treatment. In addition, a community of support serves as a catalyst to achieving progress.

NAIL – Neurotics Anonymous

Similar to EA, Neurotics Anonymous serves people who experience heightened states of distress on a regular basis. The term neurosis implies a mental disorder that affects the nervous system causing symptoms like obsessive-compulsions, anxiety, hysteria, panic, phobias, and many of the issues listed in the first paragraph of this article.

NAIL is the acronym for Neurotics Anonymous, a support group with regular meetings to serve individuals who have different types of neuroses. They follow the 12 step process, as founded by Alcoholics Anonymous. However, meeting times are often spent reading NAIL literature. In fact, this program is funded by sales of their literature only and member contributions.

Today, a number of people committing to these meetings are living normal daily lives, an ultimate goal of emotional support groups.

Drudging through emotional turmoil can weigh down an individual and negatively impact his or her quality of life. The most popular option to aiding these types of challenges is through seeking personal therapy. Unfortunately, this is a costly option for many people. In this case, 12 step programs for emotional recovery are a great alternative.

With the 12 step process in place, EA and NAIL offer an individual effective treatment. Attending these meetings is a great way to receive outside help for emotional issues. The benefits of encouraging others who face similar struggles, and being encouraged in return, can do a lot to lift the burden of heavy feelings.

Image made available by pasotraspaso on Flickr through Creative Common Licenses.

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