Emotional Side Effects of an Adult Learning Disability
Growing up with a learning disability (LD) has a unique set of challenges. Thankfully, today we are able to diagnose a variety of learning disabilities in school aged children. The tests can be conducted in classroom settings for minimal costs. With such a growing awareness comes an increased amount of support.
Unfortunately, after diagnosis, and even into adult years, challenges continue to arise for individuals who have learning troubles. Information is now surfacing about the large number of adults with learning disabilities who experience emotional side effects.
Common Emotional Side Effects of Learning Disabilities
No emotional pain is ever common. All matters of the heart are unique and personal. However, recent studies show that significant amounts of depression, anxiety, unemployment, and social difficulty are reported by adults with learning disabilities.
In addition, there are some other trends that appear in this population. Numerous people note that:
– They avoid fulfiling careers because they feel “unqualified”.
– They feel like every honest attempt is met with failure.
– They are depressed and feel that depression makes it difficult to interact with others.
If you experience any of these feelings, then know that you are not alone.
Adults with Learning Disabilities are NOT Behind
A number of adults who had trouble in school were never diagnosed with a learning disability. With growing awareness of such disorders, and the availability of testing, some people are receiving proper diagnoses in their adult years.
Still, an adult who was diagnosed with a learning disability years ago often experiences learning challenges in the years after school ends.
It is said that making the shift from “school to work and community” is especially trying. Unfortunately, many adults with learning disabilities are not equipped to transition successfully.
Tips for Successful Living with a Learning Disability
– Be clear and honest with your doctor. Discussing your challenges openly will guide your doctor to the right diagnosis and treatment plan.
– Find out what your strengths are and look for jobs, hobbies, and activities that allow these strengths to shine. This may also lead to a heightened level of confidence and raised self-esteem.
– Ask for help. You don’t have to face these challenges alone. With a growing community of support, adults with disabilities are receiving the information they need to live full, healthy lives.
– Be comfortable with your diagnosis. There is no need to hide a learning disability from employers or friends. It is best to be honest with what challenges you. This way others can encourage you to operate in the areas where you show strength.
Have you struggled with a learning disability for long? What was the transition like from school years into adulthood? Disability Living would love to hear your story. How have you overcome the emotional side effects of having a learning disability? This is a great place to share what has worked from you. Leave a reply in the comment section below. We look forward to reading your posts.
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