3 More Tips for Chronic Pain Management
Chronic pain is an unpleasant symptom of many disabilities. In some cases, chronic pain is the first sign that a diagnosis may be lurking in the near future. This is common with arthritis. Considering the stiffness, joint swelling, and muscle aches linked to this disorder, it is no wonder why many Canadians refer to times of inflammation as disabling.
Over the counter medications offer pills and patches that claim to “overcome irritations of arthritis.” However, chronic pain management involves giving consistent attention to a variety of natural health remedies.
For this reason, Disability Living is reviewing three alternative medicines that may help individuals with arthritis, and other disabilities or disorders, cope with chronic pain. Adding to the list of Tai Chi and acupuncture, today’s blog post looks at message therapy, reflexology, and hot and cold treatments as effective techniques for chronic pain management.
1) Massage Therapy
It is said that therapeutic massage can significantly reduce the pain and stress of arthritis. In fact, a number of people who seek massages as a form of chronic pain management report the therapy does wonders for soothing sore muscles and joints, as well as decreasing anxiety (which may lead to better sleep). This may be because a therapeutic massage is proven to impact how the body produces “certain hormones linked to blood pressure, anxiety, heart rate, and other key vital signs.”
2) Reflexology
Another alternative medicine for chronic pain management is reflexology. Naturaltherapypages.com describes this therapy by saying it “involves applying pressure to certain areas of the feet in order to create a positive effect in corresponding parts of the body.” The natural health treatment dates back to ancient Egypt, and to this day, numerous individuals seek reflexology as a way to prevent arthritis inflammation. Additional benefits are numerous, and include, improved sleep, better circulation, and reduced stress and tension.
3) Heat and Cold Treatments
One of the oldest and most commonly practiced forms of chronic pain management is heat and cold treatments. Doctors often recommend this home remedy as a way of lessening pain, stiffness, and inflammation caused by arthritis. This is because alternating these extremes when experiencing irritation can stimulate the body’s natural abilities to heal itself. Heat accomplishes this by encouraging blood circulation, which manipulates feelings of pain. Oppositely, applying a cold compress is known to minimize swelling through constricting blood vessels. This results in a numbing agent.
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