12 Step Programs for Drug Addiction- CMA Crystal Meth, HA Heroin
Addictions to heroin or methamphetamine often require hospitalization as the first step to recovery. While there are other similarities and many differences between these substances, they both lead to life threatening addictions that require detoxification periods and have high relapse rates.
Because of the sensitive nature of this topic, today’s blog post avoids speculating these drugs or discussing the multi-facets of using them. Instead, Disability Living highlights some signs of addiction to narcotic drugs, in addition to offering resources and 12 step groups that are vital to an individual’s long-term recovery.
Heroin and methamphetamine are highly addictive drugs that have permanent consequences and may eventually lead to disability, if not death. Heroin is considered a chronic brain disease by the U.S. Department of Health. With similar severity, 1 in 33 American teenagers has tried crystal meth, saying it is easy to get and has some benefits.
Complete abstinence from drugs is the only way to avoid the risk of developing addiction. Awareness of drug dangers may prevent initial use.
Signs and Symptoms of Drug Addiction
There is a fine line between recreational drug use and drug addiction. Knowing signs and symptoms is the best way to get the right medical treatment quickly. Below are three signs that drug addiction is present.
– Feels like it is impossible to function normally without drugs
– Thinks it is okay to perform certain tasks while under the influence of drugs (i.e. driving).
– Spends exorbitant amounts of time or money getting and using drugs.
Heroin Addiction Symptoms
A narcotic known as a “hard drug,” heroin is highly addictive. There are many emotional side effects and life altering behaviours that are associated with heroin addiction. Some physical signs the drug is being abused are,
– Shortness of breath.
– Dry mouth.
– Sudden changes in behaviours, from erratic to depressed.
– Droopy appearance.
– Presence of paraphernalia like needles, syringes, burned spoons, foil, etc.
Narcotics Anonymous
Looking into the 12 step recovery program, Narcotics Anonymous (http://www.canaacna.org/english/meetings.php), is a good first step for someone with a heroin addiction or an individual seeking help for a struggling loved one. There are recovery centres that cater to individuals going through heroin withdrawal. Consider researching sites and centres that provide a range of recovery treatments.
Crystal Meth Addiction Symptoms
Crystal meth is inexpensive, addictive, and has both short-term and long-term effects. Some physical signs that an individual is abusing methamphetamines include:
– Dilated pupils
– Weight loss
– Twitching eyes
– Hyperactivity
– Short term memory loss
– Seizures
Crystal Meth Anonymous
CMA is a 12 step recovery group for people with addictions to crystal meth. Like other addictions, people who abuse crystal meth cannot be entirely cured; in fact, this drug has the highest relapse rate. For this reason, CMA welcomes anyone who desires daily support while abstaining from this drug.
Overcoming addictions to narcotic drugs is challenging. Joining one of these groups is a courageous step in the right direction. Embrace the process of learning more about recovery. Escaping the stronghold of drug addiction is possible. Help is freely available.
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